Doktor nauk humanistycznych w dyscyplinie pedagogiki
Specjalność: pedagogika resocjalizacyjno – penitencjarna.
Akademia Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości
Warsaw, Poland
Katedra Bezpieczeństwa Penitencjarnego, adiunkt
Studia magisterskie na kierunku pedagogika ukończył
w Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach.
Ukończył Szkołę Oficerską Służby Więziennej w Kaliszu.
Doktorat uzyskał na Wydziale Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach.
Temat pracy doktorskiej: ,,Wywieranie wpływu społecznego wśród skazanych i tymczasowo aresztowanych przebywających w warunkach izolacji więziennej „.
Doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy; obtained his doctorate at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Silesia in Katowice; the topic of his doctoral thesis: Exerting social influence among convicts and pre-trial detainees staying in prison isolation. Retired Major of the Prison Service. Since 2019, he has been employed as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Applied Penitentiary Studies of the Academy of Justice. He possesses the necessary qualifications to acquire and use category B1 tests, confirmed by a positive result in the basic psychometrics exam for non-psychologists; he has completed certification training authorizing the acquisition and use of several B2 category methods. He also has vast experience in conducting research projects, construction of research tools, data analysis, preparation of reports and presenting research results. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Kielce Local Circle of the Polish Penitentiary Society and the Scientific Council of the Institute of Applied Penitentiary Studies of the Academy of Justice. He completed a domestic scientific internship at the Institute of Security Sciences at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. His research areas encompass: security in prisons and detention centres, exerting social influence, manipulation, ingratiation. He managed a number of research projects, including: „The sense of security of inmates in Polish penitentiary units” and„Legal and psycho-pedagogical aspects of service by officers of the Prison Service security department”. Some more important publications: Exerting social influence in conditions of prison isolation (2010), Extraordinary incidents in conditions of prison isolation in the light of learning theory (2011), Self-aggression in conditions of prison isolation – not only functional aspects of behavior (2012); The impact of the use of means of direct coercion on the behavior of persons deprived of their liberty. Considerations in the context of events taking place in Polish organizational units of the Prison Service in 2010-2019 (2020); A sense of security among prisoners in Polish prisons and detention facilities (2021), A sense of safety prisoners detained in holding cells of penitentiaries and remand centers (2021); Justification for using preventive measures in penitentiary units (2022); Radicalization of religious and ideological attitudes of prisoners as a threat to the security of prisons and detention centers (2024); a co-editor of the monograph Psychological and pedagogical aspects of service by officers of the security department of the Polish Prison Service. Research report (2023). ORCID: 0000-0002-0443-7117. Correspondence address: