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Zbigniew Nowacki

Doktor nauk humanistycznych w dyscyplinie pedagogiki
Specjalność: pedagogika resocjalizacyjno – penitencjarna.

Akademia Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości
Warsaw, Poland
Adiunkt w Pracowni Penitencjarystyki Instytutu Penitencjarystyki Stosowanej Akademii Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości

dr Zbigniew Nowacki

Studia magisterskie na kierunku pedagogika ukończyłcropped-photo.jpg
w Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach.

Ukończył Szkołę Oficerską Służby Więziennej w Kaliszu.
Doktorat uzyskał na Wydziale Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach.
Temat pracy doktorskiej: ,,Wywieranie wpływu społecznego wśród skazanych i tymczasowo aresztowanych przebywających w warunkach izolacji więziennej „.

A retired/ an inactivemajor of penitentiary service, a Ph.D. in Pedagogy, special field resocialization pedagogy. He obtained his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Silesia in Katowice. The doctoral dissertation dealt with the issue of exerting social influence upon convicts and detainees in prison confinement conditions. The author of publications devoted, first of all, to the behavior of prison inmates, e.g: Exerting Social Influence in the Prison Confinement Conditions (2010); Autoaggression in the Conditions of Prison Isolation – not only Functional Aspects of Behavior (2012); Multidimensional Meaning of Pastoral Work with Inmates in Prison Isolation (2012); Preparing Teachers for Exerting the Influence on the Participants of the Educational Process (2013): Social Impact – Possibilities and Limitations for Penitentiary Interactions (2013); Time of prison isolation and vulnerability of prisoners for manipulations focused on the depreciation of others and referring to conformity (2014); The Electronic Supervision System in the Opinion of Convicts in Prisons (2015); The Tendency Towards Ingratiation in Convicts (2017); The mood of people deprvived the liberty. Reflection in the context of educational impact (2020); The impact of the use of direct coercion measures on the behavior of persons deprived of liberty. Considerations in the context of incidents taking place in Polish organizational units of the Prison Service in 2010-2019 (2020).
A member of the Polish Penitentiary Societyand the Scientific Council of the PPS Regional Circle in Kielce.